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BindRes, The Binding Residue Prediction server

Jon D. Wright1, Chen Yao-Chi1, Chen Yu-Hsien2 and Carmay Lim1,2

1Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Chemistry, National TsingHua University, HsinChu, Taiwan

This server can be used to predict the protein-protein binding residues for a given protein chain, the method it uses is summarized on this page. For your target protein provide either a single chain PDB file or give the 4 letter PDB code and the chain ID that you would like a prediction for. (Note: Currently we are taking only single chain PDB structures).

If you wish, you can view a sample output that was given from a saved prediction we did earlier for 1A5E chain A. Output from a previous prediction on chain A from 1A2K chain C can be found here.

Submission area choose option A or Option B:

Option A) For a single protein chain structure that is to be uploaded from a file.
Select pdb file to upload:

Option B) For known PDB archive entry with a protein chain.
Provide a PDB ID (4 chars): and a chain (1 char) to upload:

BindRes was created by Jon D. Wright, Chen Yao-Chi, Chen Yu-Hsien and Carmay Lim and is hosted in the Institute of BioMedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

Code that this server uses can be obtained from github as wrigjz/bindres_python and wrigjz/conservation_python.

BindRes is hosted at The Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan.